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PARASITE _ TNL _ Bohumil Kostohryz.jpg

PARASITE explores themes of parasite manipulation and effects of parasites on their host organisms, in order to examine ideas of choice, destiny, desire and identity. The project blends circus, theater, dance and biology into an original movement-based performance, and invites the audience to discover different facets of infection and madness on stage. The show questions, pokes fun at, and draws on both scientific research and our own personal experiences.


From the human to the ladybug, from the rat to the cat, from Chinese pole to song : we explore through the body what happens in the mind.

Creation : 2022

For audiences aged 10 and up
Show for theater spaces or black-box bigtops
Approx. 1 hour


Preview show :

10 May 2022 at The Grainerie - European Center for Circus Arts in Toulouse

Premieres :
2, 3 and 4 June 2022 at the National Theater of Luxembourg

to receive the project dossier and tech rider

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PARASITE _ TNL _ Bohumil Kostohryz.jpg

Conception and direction

Frieda Gerson


Frieda GersonBaptiste Gaubert


With the artists

Julieta Martin, Marina Monmirel,
Baptiste Gaubert alternating with
Julien Charrier


Musical composition

Emre Sevindik

Lighting design

Clément « Zøüt » Devys


Larva construction

Carla Chassang ; l’Atelier du Latitude 50



Laurine Baudon

Assistant direction
and stage management

Gabriel_le Taillefert

Dramaturgical accompaniment

Yaëlle Antoine

Outside eye - acting

Stéphane Léchit

Writing accompaniment
and TalentLAB mentor

Chris Thorpe

Outside eye - choreography

Diane Renée Rodriguez,

Marianne Masson

Outside eyes - TalentLAB

Chris Thorpe, David Bobée

Production support

Audrey Gary

Céline Vayssade

Bohumil Kostohryz, Virginie Costet,
Marco Pavone, Georges Cier

Cie Kallisti / Le Collectif en Cours
in association with
Ampersand Variations asbl (LU)


National Theater of Luxembourg (LU), Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg (LU)


With the support of stART-up fund of the Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande Duchesse Charlotte (LU), the city of Saint-Denis (FR), La Grainerie (FR), TROIS C-L - Maison pour la danse (LU), the Fondation Été (LU) and the SACEM Luxembourg ; first work in progress presented as part of TalentLAB#19



TalentLAB (LU), L’Académie Fratellini (FR), La Chaufferie / Cie DCA - Philippe Decouflé (FR), Latitude 50 (BE), Les Noctambules (FR), Nil Obstrat (FR), The Saint-Denis Conservatory of Music and Dance (FR), the Chapiteau Raj’ganawak / Association Les Planches Courbes (FR), The Landy Sauvage (FR), La Vannerie / Cie La Baraque (FR), Zaltimbanq’ Zirkus - Luxembourg Circus School (LU)

parasite partner logos
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